Professional Engineering Services | Owl Engineering & EMC Test Labs

Company Profile
Owl Engineering is a communications consulting engineering firm with headquarters in Shoreview, Minnesota. It was founded in 1981 and initially provided consulting and testing services to the computer industry. In 1986, the firm was incorporated in Minnesota and began providing communications consulting and testing services. Its many clients include radio and television stations, cities, and many private companies. The firm offers many varied services and has trained professional staff to assist its many clients.

Garrett G. Lysiak, P.E.
The President and founder of Owl Engineering. The main area of expertise involves the practice of Communications Consulting Engineering in matters before the Federal Communications Commission.
The firm has been involved in the design of high-powered AM, AM Directional Antenna Systems, and FM broadcast installations.
The firm has also been involved in the design and planning of public safety communications facilities which includes the preparation of specifications, bid preparation, supervision of installation of equipment, and final system acceptance.
The firm has a wide range of field measurement capabilities, including a private airplane.
Federal Communication Commission
Private Sector
Radio Licensing
The firm maintains several FCC and FAA databases that assist them in the preparation of FCC licenses. The range of licenses prepared is from simple frequency land mobile systems to complex high-powered radio station facilities. The staff engineers routinely interface with various agencies such as the FCC, FAA, and frequency coordinators.
Antenna Tower Engineering
The firm has the ability to determine FCC and FAA clearance, airspace safety requirements, and potential interference problems. Owl Engineering can help you locate your antenna tower for desired system coverage. The firm can offer professional engineering presentations to city and county zoning boards.
Intermodulation Studies
Owl Engineering performs inter-modulation studies to ensure that new communications users protect existing towers, minimizing interference potential and reducing overall system cost. This is a useful tool for determining the sources of interference in existing tower communication systems.
Radio Coverage Predictions
Owl Engineering uses its extensive database to model multiple communication sites and complex system changes, saving unnecessary rework expenses.
Radio Field Measurements
Owl Engineering maintains a complete inventory of communications measurement equipment and has the ability to measure the spectrum for compliance with FCC regulations.
EMC Test Facility
Owl Engineering has a fully equipped EMC lab to better serve its clients in complying with FCC regulations. Owl Engineering tests the products and prepares final reports used to obtain FCC certification and European conformity.